Finals... it feels just like yesterday we were dreading the first day of school. Now we are dreading finals week. Since we’re so busy studying, we barely have time for other things, like be with friends, have a stress free night or even have time to put together a nutritious a meal. It seems simple to just get a microwaveable breakfast burrito from the store or just get a cup of ramen noodles; but, what we bad eat can affect us in our studying. It’s also important to make sure we are mentally in the right state of mind when we do study. Here are some tips to help you stay on track and keep up with a balanced meal!
What we drink:
Coffee might be your best friend but it might not be your most helpful friend. That goes for energy drinks too. Having too much of that sugar only adds calories and no nutrition. Try to limit on the caffeine and get some water! It’s free and refreshing :)
What we snack:
It might be tempting and easier to just get a bag of chips from the vending machine or some fries from the cafeteria; but, this most likely will make you feel sluggish, not full and ready for a nap. Try picking up a granola bar or getting some nuts for a boost of energy and a fuller stomach.
What we eat:
As a college student, I know you don’t want to spend so much money on meals. Especially for the commuters, try cooking things in bulk so that you have some you food for the next few days. It might be boring to have the same thing for a few days but hey, you’re saving money and time! Also, if you’re trying to save, try to do meals preps, they help in portion control and save the time as well. You’re killing two birds with one stone!
What we feel:
Studying is not the only thing to focus on. Make sure you take breaks along your study sessions. Listen to your body when you feel like you’re not the same two hours ago. Take a nap, watch a show on netflix, have some personal time and just relax. Come back when you feel mentally stable again.
Good luck to all on your finals!